Laura Perrone
B.A., 2014, Pomona College
Laura works as a lab manager at the USC Family Studies Project, where
she coordinates the home data portion of the lab’s current study examining dating relationships. She is involved in
recruitment and scheduling of participants, running visits with couples, and working with the home data team as they
process and analyze data from this project. Laura graduated from Pomona College in 2014 with a BA in Psychology. Her
previous research experience included studying attachment theory with Dr. Yael Shmueli-Goetz and working as a research
assistant for Dr. Jessica Borelli in the Pomona College Child Attachment, Relationships, and Emotion (CARE) Lab. Her
senior thesis explored the relation between spontaneous attributions for failure and children’s mental health outcomes.
Laura is interested in further exploring the role that individual and relational factors play in contributing to mental
health and in applying the findings of empirical research to clinical interventions. Laura plans to pursue a Ph.D. in
Clinical Psychology.